LVAG “Here Comes the Sun” Online Art Gallery Show
39 LVAG artist members particpated in the “Here Comes the Sun” Online Art Gallery Show.
In the gallery you will find 93, 2D and 3D works of art.
LVAG awarded 13 ribbons and 7 cash prizes equaling $1000.
Click on the link to the LVAG Artist Spotlight to learn more about the artists and about purchasing one their artwork pieces.
Edward Achey "Arboreal" Acrylic 8x8" NFS
Edward Achey "Sleeping With One Eye Open" Acrylic 6x6" NSF
Edward Achey "Torch" Acrylic 14x6" NFS
Seth Barnes "Laguna, CA" Oil 24x18 $2500
Meegan Boiros "Breaking Through" Oil 36x36" $1200
Meegan Boiros "Iron Butterfly" Oil 36x36" $1200
Meegan Boiros "Letting Go" Oil 36x36" $1200
Evan Butterfiled "Its Been a Long Cold Lonely Winter" Photography 8.5"x11" $300
Evan Butterfield "Lucifer Lightbringer" Photography 11"x8.5" $300
Evan Butterfield "Lux et Tenebrae" Photography 11x85 $350
Alycia Cordova "Memories" Acrylic 14x11" NSF
Alycia Cordova "Peonies" Acrylic 14x11" $175
Alycia Cordova "Sunflowers" Acrylic 6x6" $80

Sean Cottman "Come Home, Sun" Mixed Media 40x30 $485

Deiondre Crichton "The Fishermans Retreat" Photography 12x17" NFS

Deiondre Crichton "The Wilderness" Photography 20x30 $1000

Deiondre Crichton "Twilight Journey" Photography 12x17 $400
Wendy De Rycke "Goddess of the 10 Suns" Mixed Media 24x12 $200

Kat Edman "Napa Deville" Drawing 24x35 $4500

Carlos Fernandez Cruz "The Rooster" Acrylic 40x30 $1475

Kyle Fogarty "Sapphire" Acrylic 14x11 $89

Kyle Fogarty "Sunglasses Case" Drawing 6x3 $25

John Gregg "Sunrise At The Beach" Watercolor 14x10 $400

Shu He "Nature (Fall) Watercolor 25"x25" $600

Shu He "Nature Fall" Watercolor 25x25 $600

Shu He "Natural Winter" Watercolor 25"x25" $600

Rashi Jain "Blush of Dawn" Acrylic 36"x24" $1500

Rashi Jain "Ray of Hope" Oil 20"x24" $2000

Rashi Jain "Sun Bathing" Acrylic 20"x16" $1100

Brian Kell "Emergence" Digital 30x20 $250

Brian Kell "Lord of the Bees" Digital 20x30" $250

Brian Kell "Summer Solstice Slightly After Sunrise As Seen Through The Fabric of Time" Digital 20x30 $250

Sohyun Kelso "Here Comes the Sun" Pastel 13x13 NSF
Thomas Knapp "Layers of Sunshine" Photography 20x30 $650
Thomas Knapp "Morning Reflection" Photography 20x30 $650
Thomas Knapp "Turtlehead Peak At Dawn" Photography 20x30 $650

Debbie Larsen "Arch" Oil 11x14" $200

Debbie Larsen "Mirror Mirror" Oil 18x20" $259

Debbie Larsen "Reflective" Oil 11x14" NFS

Marina Levy "Las Vegs First" Oil 24.28 $500

Marina Levy "La Vie en Rose" Oil 24x28 $500

Marina Levy "Walk in the Park" Oil 24x18 $400
Bobbie Maxvill "Backgammon Anyone?" 17x17" Ceramic Tiles NFS
Bobbie Maxvill "Jumping Orcas" 8x8" Ceramic Tile NFS
Bobbie Maxvill "Shirley the Zebra" 8x8" Ceramic Tile NFS

Lori McCoy "Arizona Son" Acrylic 24X30" NFS

Sumon Methangkool "Daybreak" Oil 16x20 $650

Sumon Methangkool "Morning Delight" Oil 16x20 $650

Sumon Methangkool "Desert Sky" Oil 16x20 $650
Jeanette Montero "Aunt Fi-Fi" Mixed Media 36x36" $2500
Jeantette Montero "Little Black Dress" Mixed Media 36x36" $2500
Jeanette Montero "Sun Kissed" Mixed Media 36x36" NFS

Evelyn Niehaus "No Ordinary Day" Acrylic 12x12 $250

Evelyn Niehaus "Reminiscent Mural At Cars on 4th Las Vegas" Acrylic 12x12 $250

Karen Orton "Daybreak at Zion" Mixed Media 16x11" NFS

Karen Orton "Journey" Acrylic 11x16" NFS

Karen Orton "Queen of the Sun Field" Watercolor 20x20" NFS

Kimberly Panfil "Dancing Musical Instruments" Acrylic 24x18" NFS

Kimberly Panfil "Kaleidoscope Sunrise" Pastel 11x14" $750

Kimberly Panfil "Women in Bloom" 24x24" $1500

Cheri Payne "Hand Stitched Cowhide Cowboy Hat" Mixed Media 7x14" $1000

Cheri Payne "Royal Sculptural Ice Bucket" Mixed Media 8x10" $600

Cheri Payne "Watcerin In The Woods" Mixed Media 20.5 x 12" $150

Judy Pfeifer "Joyful Cacti" Oil 20x16" $800

Judy Pfeifer "Super Bloom Joshua Tree National Forest" Oil 12x12 $700
Leonor Santos "Roots of a Giant Tree" Acrylic 18x24" $1000
Leonor Santos "The Sun Eart Stars in the Universe" Acrylic 18x24" $1000

Mira Satryan "Deep On My Heart" Acrylic" 12x12 $1350

Rene Serrano "Bouquet of Gears" Sculpture 25x10x2" $150

Rene Serrano "Gardener" Sculpture 3.25x1.75x3.25" $525

Rene Serrano "Gardener" Sculpture 3.25x1.75x3.25" $525

Rene Serrano "Hummingbird" Sculpture 18.5x7x7" $175

Ellen Stark "Beach Umbrella Row" Photography 5x7 $80

Ellen Stark "Cornflower Field" Photography 8x10" $110

Ellen Stark "Serenity" Photography 7x5 $105

Jennifer Stephens "GLI Angeli" Photography 20x16 $300

Jennifer Stephens "Its a New Dawn" Photography 20x16" $300

Jennifer Stephens "Soul Shine" Photography 20x16 $300

Linda Stokey "Emergence" Drawing 11x11 NFS

Linda Stokey "Paradux" Drawing 11x14 $400

Linda Stokey "Pretty in Pink" Drawing 12x9 $250

Jo Thackery "Desert Morning Ceramics" Porcelain 10x3x3 $125

Jo Thackery "Morning Poppys" Porcelain 10x7x7 $325

Kevin Tice "Mountain Meadow Gold" Oil 18x24 $1000

Kevin Tice "Sundown" Oil 24x36" $1800

Kevin Tice "Zion Gold" 12x16 $525

Barbara Weisenburg "Morning Reflections" Acylic 28x36 NFS

Barbara Weisenburg "The Sunrise Hasn't Failed Us" Acrylic 24x38 NFS

Starrr Zara "The Girl Looked Up At The Sun And The Sun Smiled Down At Her" Watercolor 12x9" $500

Starrr Zara "The Light Within Radiates Hope" Acrylic 40x30 $3000

Starrr Zara "The Sun Is Always Shining" Oil 48x36" $5000
Mai Zimbalman "Desert Garden Sunrise" Oil 16"x20" $1550
Mai Zimbleman "Desert Sunrise" Oil 20"x16" $1550
Mai Zimbleman "Golden Hour" Oil 24"x36" $3500